A Guinea pig is the common name for the rodent officially known as the cavy ( plural cavies ). Its name is utmost misleading as it is not a pig but a rodent. Its popular name of Guinea pig is derived from its ability to produce sounds akin to a pig's squeals.
Among the common rodent pets like hamsters, gerbils and mice, the Guinea pig is the most sociable and companionable. They relish attention and try to communicate to their owners by vocalizing their needs.
As your Guinea pig is a small rodent, keep it indoors with a secure cage. Place a deep tray below your cage to collect the hay / bedding strewn about by your pet's burrowing. You need to clean its cage and change its bedding weekly. Cleanliness is preventive medicine against diseases. Divide your Guinea pig's house into quarters for eating, sleeping and playing. This makes its house tidy.
Commercial Guinea pig food pellets are available. You need to supplement with fresh fruits, hay and water. Place fresh food in a separate container and discard these daily to avoid feeding your pet decayed food. Some people think that Guinea pigs are disgusting because they eat their own feces. Actually, their feces are re-ingested to digest them again. All rodents need chewing toys and your Guinea pig is no exception.
Groom your Guinea pig weekly just before its bath. A long hair coat need regular trimming. As with all pets, clean its body and clip its nails. Once a Guinea pig is accustomed to grooming and handling, it is calm and co-operative.
As Guinea pigs are gentle rodents, they are prone to shock and dehydration. Take care of your pet well. Abnormalities that signal illness include runny nose and eyes, loss of appetite, excessive salivating, diarrhea and skin disease. Small animals are expensive to treat so it is best to bring your pet to the vet early to avoid complications. |
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